Dental Fillings

Bacteria in our mouth produce acid as a result of consuming foods containing carbohydrates. The acid they produce causes the pH value of the mouth to decrease. The resulting acidic environment causes deterioration in the mineral structure of the tooth. The tooth becomes more vulnerable as its mineral structure deteriorates. If food residues remain on our teeth, caries progresses and becomes cavitation.

What are The Symptoms of Caries?

The symptoms of dental caries vary depending on their size and location. When a tooth is just starting to decay, you may have no symptoms. As tooth decay progresses, it can cause signs and symptoms such as:

  • Toothache That Occurs Without Any Cause
  • Tooth Sensitivity
  • Sharp Pain When Eating or Drinking Something  Hot or Cold
  • Visible Color Changes or Cavitations in Your Teeth
  • Pain When Bitten
  • Color Changes on The Surface of The Tooth

Tooth decay is one of the most common health issues. We can help you fight it!

How is Tooth
Decay Treated?

Regular checkups help diagnose cavities before they cause more serious problems. The earlier it is diagnosed, the better our chances of preventing the progression of dental caries.

Treatment of dental caries: it depends on the depth, location, width of the dental caries and your health condition. Treatment options include:

Dental Fillings

It is the main treatment option for caries that are diagnosed before they are too advanced. Tooth decays are treated with composite fillings suitable for tooth color.

What are the stages of dental filling?

First of all, the tooth and its surroundings are anesthetized with local anesthesia. Then, the existing caries is removed with appropriate burs. After the caries is cleaned, the cavity is disinfected and bacteria are removed. If the tooth decay is close to the veins and nerves of the tooth, which we call the “pulp”, a protective layer can be put on to protect the nerve. Then our composite filling material is placed in layers. After the surface is formed in accordance with the anatomical form of the tooth, finishing and polishing processes are applied.

Fluoride Treatments

In the early stages of caries, fluoride treatment can help restore tooth enamel. In our clinic, fluoride can be applied as gel, foam or varnish.


For teeth weakened by extensive dental caries, you may need a veneer crown that replaces your tooth’s natural crown. To ensure a good fit, the entire caries area is cleaned and your tooth is reduced to allow enough room for the crown. Then, the most suitable crown for your tooth is designed together with laboratory procedures. The crown option is based on a wide range. Such as Zircon veneers, Laminate veneers, Onlay Veneers, Inlay Veneers, Metal-reinforced Porcelain veneers etc. Our dentists will give you information by considering the most suitable material and treatment time for you.

Root Canal Treatment

You may need root canal treatment when the decay reaches the nerve tissue of your tooth. This process is the last rescue treatment to keep a tooth that has lost its vitality in the mouth to fulfill its task. The diseased pulp is removed. The channels in the tooth are cleaned well. It is made free from bacteria by means of various solutions. Depending on the condition of the infection inside, it may be necessary to apply more than one session and keep the medicine in the channels. After making sure that the inside is clean, the channels are filled with materials compatible with the tooth tissue. After the root canal treatment, when the veins in the canal are removed, blood will not enter your tooth. After that, the Minerals and Vitamins your tooth needs will no longer support your tooth. For this reason, tooth fractures may occur. After the problem of the canal is resolved, you may need to support your tooth with Veneers.

Tooth Extractions

Teeth cannot be restored in cases where dental caries is too advanced or if the tooth is broken. In this case, it must be extracted. Extraction of one tooth causes the shift of your other teeth. It is recommended to replace the missing tooth as soon as possible. In response to the problems that will arise from this, our recommendations are Prosthesis, Crown Bridges or Implant treatments.

ISMAN Dental Clinic Services

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Can I Eat After The Filling is Done?
With the new technology, composite fillings are hardened during the process, so you can eat right after the procedure. If local anesthesia has been applied to the treated area, it is recommended to eat about 2 hours after the procedure because of the possibility of damaging the soft tissues such as lips, cheeks, etc. with the effect of numbness.
What Precautions Can Be Taken to Prevent Teeth From Decaying?
  • Brush our teeth with toothpaste at least twice a day.
  • You can use dental floss or an interface brush for the facing surfaces of the teeth that the toothbrush cannot reach.
  • Mouthwash
  • If the risk of caries development is high, it may be recommended to use a fluoride mouthwash.
  • Have your dentist examine you every 6 months.
  • For early diagnosis, have regular examinations. Early detection of problems can be a savior for your teeth.
  • Avoid acidic drinks.
  • With the decrease in the pH level in the mouth, tooth enamel becomes more vulnerable. Because of this, bacteria can erode the tooth surface more easily and as a result, tooth decay occurs.
  • Consume foods that are good for dental health.
  • Avoid sticky foods that stay in the grooves of your teeth for a long time or brush after every meal. However, foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables increase saliva flow. Sugar-free coffee, tea, and sugar-free gum help wash away food particles. Also, consuming cheese in between meals can help prevent cavities by increasing saliva flow.
What Are The Signs Of Needing Root Canal Treatment?

The progressive decay reaches the pulp and infects the pulp by bacteria. In this case, the pulp may become inflamed.
Some symptoms of pulp infection are mentioned below:

  • Long-term pain in hot-cold foods and drinks
  • Pain while chewing
  • Severe throbbing pain that wakes you from sleep at night
  • Feeling of the tooth displaced
  • Swelling of the gingiva near the decayed tooth and accumulation of abscess there
  • A swollen cheek or chin
  • Darkening of tooth color

If you have complaints like these, it is important to see your dentist. If the infected tooth stays in your mouth for a long time, it can make the situation worse.

My Tooth Hurts, Should I Use Antibiotics?

Endodontic treatment can usually be performed in one or two sessions and includes the following steps:

  1. The Dentist takes an X-ray of the tooth and examines it.
  2. Local anesthesia is then applied.
  3. After the tooth is anesthetized, the dentist opens a cavity suitable for the anatomy of the tooth in the crown part of the tooth. Very small tools are used to clean and shape the pulp from the pulp chamber and root canals.
  4. It washes the inside of the canal with various solutions to ensure the cleanliness of the interior.
  5. After the canals are cleaned and shaped, the physician fills the root canals with a biocompatible material.
  6. A crown can be planned on the tooth as needed to protect your tooth and fulfill its full function.
  7. If the tooth does not have enough strength to hold the restoration in place, your dentist may insert a screw, called a post, into the tooth.
Is Root Canal Treatment Painful?

No, root canal treatment is usually painless. Before the procedure, local anesthesia is applied to numb the tooth and its surroundings. Therefore, you will not feel pain during the procedure. However, mild pain and discomfort for a few days after root canal treatment is normal.

Why You Should
Choose ISMAN Dental Clinic

Great Location
Right in the Heart of Alanya; We are in downtown, which has no transportation problems!
Professional Team
We work as a professional team with expert physician staff in their fields
1st Class Service
We guarantee all our patients will get the best quality service and treatment
Awesome Clinic
Our clinic and equipment are constantly renewed and equipped with high technology devices
Professional Tools
We only use equipment and materials with proven success and quality worldwide

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Contact Information

Şekerhane Mh. Atatürk Cd. 1100. Sk. 9/105, Alanya/Antalya

İŞMAN Dental Clinic is a well-established dental clinic in the heart of Alanya that provides excellent dentistry for everyone from 7 to 70 and continues its services for 3 generations. Our priority is to ensure that you have healthy teeth and a perfect smile, while feeling comfortable and peaceful in a safe and warm environment.